Enhance constitutionalism and good governance through awareness creation and people’s participation.
Years of Existence
Haki Centre is a registered Non-Governmental human rights Organization working within the coastal region of Kenya. The organization was founded in 2006 by a group of young and vibrant human rights activists from the Coast and North Eastern Provinces of Kenya, to promote the progressive realization of human rights in the region by ensuring communities’ ownership and active engagement in the struggles for justice, good governance and equity.
In 2012, Haki Centre Organization officially registered itself with the NGO board through number OP.218/051/12-300/8231.
Promotion of peaceful coexistence among the coastal communities
Increasing Communities’ Access, Use and Benefits of Land and Natural Resources
Enhancing Citizens’ Participation in Good Governance and Social Accountability at all Levels
Promotion of Equity and non-discrimination within the Coastal region of Kenya
Jamii Thabiti, funded by UK DFID and managed by Coffey International, strengthens partnerships between security institutions and citizens for safer communities.
Haki Centre, a grassroots partner in Kwale County, empowers women, youth, and local leaders to actively engage in peacebuilding and conflict management.
This pilot project promoted peace among students and the community while reducing youth recruitment into extremist groups.
It established Tolerance/Peace Clubs in schools to equip youth with conflict management skills and foster engagement with law enforcement, local government, and civil society.
This ongoing UNHCR-supported project raises awareness of Kenya’s citizenship laws, ensuring full enjoyment of rights under Article 12. It educates the public on nationality documents and provides paralegal aid to those in need.
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Nascetur cursus felis pharetra vehicula inceptos sed mauris imperdiet turpis augue suspendisse urna semper taciti
Nascetur cursus felis pharetra vehicula inceptos sed mauris imperdiet turpis augue suspendisse urna semper taciti
Executive Director
Board Chairperson
Board Director